Tagged: belarus

Snapshot Dialogue: Sasha Razor (L.A.), Lesia Pcholka (Berlin), and Uladzimir Hramovich (Berlin)

As part of its 25th Anniversary Celebrations, ARTMargins Online hosts a series of short dialogues between critics and curators from Eastern Europe and one or several artists. With these “snapshot” conversations, we want to shed light on the challenging political and economic conditions under which artists and other producers of culture in the region operate today, yet we also aim to highlight the amazing vibrancy, resilience, and resourcefulness of its art scenes.

This conversation between Researcher of art migration from Belarus, Sasha Razor (Los Angeles) and Berlin-based Belarusian artists Lesia Pcholka and Uladzimir Hramovich focuses on the artists’ engagement with … Read more

Flashmob – the Divide Between Art and Politics in Belarus (Long version/Articles)


This article represents a (drastically) revised version of a text(Альмира Усманова «Белорусский détournement, или искусство обходного маневра как политика» // Топос, # 13 (2/2006), сс.91 – 127.)* originally published in 2006 in a special volume of the academic journal of philosophy and cultural theory, Topos.(The journal was launched in 2000 and is published by European Humanities University in Vilnius. See the archive of the journal: http://topos.ehu.lt/zine/index.htm.) The entire volume, entitled “Choice and Elections,” was dedicated to the phenomenon of political (non)participation in contemporary Belarus, or more precisely, to the paradox of the political … Read more