
Please become a member or make a donation today

ARTMargins Online is dedicated to the study of postwar and contemporary art in East-Central Europe within a global art history context. Throughout our history, we have published nearly 1,000 articles, interviews, podcasts, and reviews that advance the understanding of the region’s artistic production within new critical frameworks and in relation to the socio-political conditions of its time. Today, it remains the largest online archival resource of its kind, with over 500,000 users to date.

ARTMargins Online content is free. However, we are offering our readers new Membership levels to help us expand our editorial content and operations, initiate new projects, including an Arts Writers Mentorship program, and organize special programs, panels, and events.

Memberships are offered at three levels: Friend, Contributor, Supporter. In addition to unique gifts,* members receive discounts on individual subscriptions to ARTMargins print journal and back issues, as well as savings on our specially commissioned Artists Editions.

You can also support ARTMargins Online with a one-time gift of any amount. All donations are tax deductible.

Won’t you join our community and help us ensure that ARTMargins Online remains a free and open resource?

 *Please note that currently gifts can only be shipped within the United States.

Become a Friend ($35.00 / Year)

  • A gift (sticker/bookmark)
  • 20% discount on individual subscriptions to ARTMargins print journal
  • Subscription to our newsletter

Become a Contributor ($60.00 / Year)

  • A gift (coffee mug)
  • 20% discount on individual subscriptions to ARTMargins print journal and back issues
  • Subscription to our newsletter
  • First notice of online events, including panels and special symposia

Become a Supporter ($125.00 / Year)

  • A gift (coffee mug)
  • 20% discount on individual subscriptions to ARTMargins print journal and back issues
  • Subscription to our newsletter
  • First notice of online events, including panels and special symposia
  • 15% discount on Artist Editions