7th International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History, May 6-7, 2021

The Institut für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte at Humboldt University  will host the 7th International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History on May 6 and 7, 2021. The forum serves as a platform for exchange amongst junior researchers who focus on Eastern European art.

The yearly meetings offer a space for exchange regarding methodological and practical problems surrounding various dissertation projects, as well as an opportunity to network with one’s peer group.

The 2021 Forum will focus on the close interconnection between the Eastern European cultural sphere and the rest of the world, as well as its entanglement with various historical, social, political and cultural constellations on the local, regional, inter-state, and global level. Historical material (e.g. archival materials and personal memory) will be emphasised, with particular attention drawn to the processes of historicization.

We invite doctoral candidates to apply with their dissertation topic. The 2021 forum will take place on Zoom. The event will be held in English.

For more information, please visit

http://www.kunstgeschichte.hu-berlin.de/institut/lehrstuehle/lehrstuhl-fuer-kunstgeschichte-osteuropas/internationales-doktorandenforum/ or the forum’s Facebook site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/773095506060350/)

Doctoral candidates are invited to apply by submitting their dissertation topic. Those who wish to present their research are requested to submit a proposal in either English or German by February 28th2021. The proposal must be max. 4000 characters (including spaces) in a workable format (i.e. not PDF), and contain the author’s name and affiliation, title of dissertation, and e-mail address.

Please specify whether your exposé may be published by adding the following sentence to the end of your submission: “My exposé may / may not be published on the forums website (http://www.kunstgeschichte.hu-berlin.de/institut/lehrstuehle/lehrstuhl-fuer-kunstgeschichte-osteuropas/internationales-doktorandenforum/ )”.

Proposals should be submitted to: Katalin Cseh-Varga (katalin.cseh-varga@hu-berlin.de) and Dorothea Douglas (dorothea.c.douglas@hu-berlin.de).

Participants will be chosen by March 31, 2021.