Monthly Archive: April 2006

Songs of Russia

Yevgeniy Fiks: The Song of Russia, 24 December 2005 – 24 January 2006, Gallery ArtStrelka Projects (Moscow)

Yevgeniy Fiks was born in Moscow and now teaches in New York, where he has been living for more than ten years. He presented his work in Moscow for the third time. Previously, he showed his work last year during the first Moscow Biennale at the group exhibition for émigré artists, “Post – Diasporas. Voyages and Missions”.

In December 2005, Fiks had a small solo exhibition that exhibited a work called “The Song of Russia” in a place that is very active … Read more

Spirituality Is Embarrassing: On Zbigniew Libera

Zbigniew Libera belongs to Poland’s so-called lost generation of the 1980’s, to that generation whose most creative years fell with the barren and depressing time of Polish martial law. Added to the difficult socio-economic conditions were the philosophical and artistic crises brought about by the dominance of post-modernism with its confirmation of fragmentariness — a modern world no longer organized by any meta-narratives. This situation increased anxiety and fueled attempts at both the self-creation that would offer control of one’s own identity and the creation of private utopias. Within this fragmented world, it became necessary to ask the most primal … Read more

The Queer Story of Polish Art and Subjectivity

“A new spectre is haunting Eastern Europe: the spectre of sexual and love dissidence.”Tomek Kitlinski, Pawel Leszkowicz, Love and Democracy. Reflections on the Homosexual Question in Poland, Aureus, Krakow, 2005, s. 290-291.

At the dawn of the new millennium, Poland and Eastern Europe face the task of discovering a new all-embracing culture, and of writing a new, affirmative history of diversified and plural stories of love and sexual identities and their cultural representations. After decades of censorship, discrimination, and homophobia, the time has come to discover the complex amorous subjectivity in Polish contemporary society and art.

To embrace such … Read more