Monthly Archive: August 2004

FUTURA, Prague (“Series Young Galleries in Eastern Europe”)

This is the first in a series of essays in which we will introduce new gallery ventures in East-Central Europe. We want to give young gallerists a chance to introduce their spaces and the economic and institutional challenges they face. acb contemporary art gallery in Budapest works on a commercial basis; its goal is to generate revenue by selling contemporary visual artworks. Information, resumes, documentation, and mission statement are available at (Slide Show).

We, a group of young international art organizers living in Prague, the Czech Republic, over the last ten years, finally met each other in … Read more

Carbon Club: On Russian Video Art

February 20, 2004 Reithalle Munich

During the “Days of Russian Culture,” the Reithalle offered not only a broad variety of insights into the world of contemporary Russian theatre but also a little glimpse into recent Russian film productions.

Although I am presenting the movie shorts by Alexandr Shaburov and Viatsheslav Mizin that were shown in the Reithalle as a movie event, it is hard to decide whether they should be actually considered as such, or whether the categories video art or even video fun art or even anarchistic…video…punk…fun…art would suit the work of the artists also known as the “Bluenoses” … Read more