Monthly Archive: January 2000

The Politicization of the Private, or the Privatization of Politics? A View of Recent Czech Art by Women

Focusing on Czech women artists working in installation, photography, performance, and sculpture, I want to explore the subversion of phallocentric paradigms in East-Central European culture and society from a feminist perspective. In discussing various historical, ideological and theoretical formations that have contributed to the discrimination of women, I will examine the reasons for the absence of an explicit political dimension in contemporary Czech womens’ art. I also want to draw attention to the alternative ways of marrying the personal with the political that have been developed by Czech women artists during this period of transition.

Czech women artists frequently politicize … Read more

The State of the Art: Hungary

As is the case anywhere in the world, in Hungary, the institutions of art are based on three foundations: the artist, the work of art, and the audience. The relations that operate between these three imply different types of institutions. In order to document the situation of contemporary art in Hungary properly, a few words have to be said about the 1980s. During that period, there were three main players in the Hungarian art world: the state museums (the Museum of Fine Arts, the Hungarian National Gallery, the Museum of Applied Art, the Hungarian National Museum, and a few other … Read more

The Wit and Grace of Jiri Menzel

If asked to name one Czech film, an American film buff will mostly likely mention Jiri Menzel’s Oscar winning “Closely Watched Trains” (1966). But Menzel has directed 15 feature films, several of which are just as wonderful, if not better. The Menzel film retrospective, which began in New York City last October, is continuing its tour across the country and represents a rare and fantastic opportunity to see some of his other work, including: “Capricious Summer” (Rozmarneleto, 1967); “Larks on a String” (Skrivanci na niti, 1969); “Cutting it Short”(Postriziny, 1980); “Festival of Snowdrops” (Slavnosti snezenek, 1983); “My Sweet Little Village” … Read more

Non-Official Art, Old and New

Die Sanft-Mutigen. Moscow metaphysical painters of the 60’s – 90’s: Mikhail Shvartsman, Vladimir Vaisberg, Eduard Steinberg, Ilya Tabenkin, Dmitry Krasnopevcev. 11/17/99 – 12/16/99, Russisches Haus der Wisenschaft und Kultur, Friedrichstrasse 176, 10117 Berlin.

Neues Moskau (New Moscow). Art from Moscow and St. Petersburg: Andrei Chlobystin, Vladislav Mamyshev, Timur Novikov, Inspection “Medical Hermeneutics”/Pavel Pepperstein, Yevgeniy Yufit. 11/12/99-1/9/00, ifa gallery, NeustŠdtische Kirchstrasse 15, 10117 Berlin. Open daily (except mondays, 12/23-12/27 and 12/31-1/1) 2-7pm. 4/7/00-5/27/00 ifa gallery Stuttgart, Charlottenplatz 17, 70137 Stuttgart 6/20/00-8/5/00 ifa gallery Bonn, Welckerstrasse 11, 53113 Bonn

For Russian 20th Century Art, Berlin has proven to be quite a … Read more