Monthly Archive: October 2009

Jaroslav Andĕl/Petr Szczepaník (Eds.), “Cinema All The Time: An Anthology of Czech Film Theory and Criticism, 1908-1939” (Film Book Review)

Jaroslav Anděl/Petr Szczepaník (eds.), CINEMA ALL THE TIME: An Anthology of Czech Film Theory and Criticism, 1908-1939. Translated by Kevin B. Johnson, Prague: National Film Archive, 2008. 315 pp.

Petr Szczepaník/Jaroslav Anděl (eds.), STÁLE KINEMA: Antologie českého myšlení o filmu 1904-1950, Praha: Národního filmového archivu, 2008. 430s.

Until recently, the history of Czech film theory and criticism has been a subject limited to specialists.  Original theoretical texts dealing with Czech cinema are not easily available and for the most part have gone untranslated. It is therefore not surprising that, until now, the historical importance and cultural value of … Read more

Alexander Ney at the National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow (Exhib. Review)

Alexander Ney. National Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow. August 11 – 30, 2009

Alexander Ney left the Soviet Union in 1972. Now, to celebrate his 70th birthday and fifty years of artistic activity, the National Centre of Contemporary Art (NCCA) in Moscow organized a show featuring some of his pivotal works.

The show came at a stormy time for the NCCA, which is itself celebrating its 18th anniversary . At the final press conference  it was revealed that the NCCA building will increase its height to seven floors and that it will become the image and likeness of the Centre … Read more